
BitTorrent Sync with Docker across multi-cloud

After a while using ctlc/btsync to sync between Vultr and IDCF Cloud instances, it suddenly stopped syncing. The verion of Bittorrent Sync in a current ctlc/btsync image is 1.3.105 and it is a little old. I don’t know whether the old version is related, I intend to write another Dockerfile and bebug sync processes as practice.

A BitTorrent Sync Image

I created an automated build repository. It’s convenient for me the default locale is Japanese when I check the sync progress by timestamp.

FROM ubuntu:14.04
MAINTAINER Masato Shimizu <ma6ato@gmail.com>

RUN locale-gen $LANG && update-locale $LANG && \
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtime

ADD http://download-lb.utorrent.com/endpoint/btsync/os/linux-x64/track/stable /btsync.tar.gz
RUN tar xzf /btsync.tar.gz -C /usr/bin && \
rm /btsync.tar.gz && mkdir -p /btsync/.sync

EXPOSE 55555
ADD run.sh /run.sh

VOLUME ["/data"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/run.sh"]

In the run.sh script file making sure an old process is not existed after restarting container.

set -eo pipefail

SECRET=${@:-`btsync --generate-secret`}

echo "Starting btsync with secret: $SECRET"

rm -f /btsync/btsync.pid

[ ! -f /btsync/btsync.conf ] && cat > /btsync/btsync.conf <<EOF
"device_name": "Sync Server",
"listening_port": 55555,
"storage_path": "/btsync/.sync",
"pid_file": "/btsync/btsync.pid",
"check_for_updates": false,
"use_upnp": false,
"download_limit": 0,
"upload_limit": 0,
"shared_folders": [{
"secret": "$SECRET",
"dir": "/data",
"use_relay_server": true,
"use_tracker": true,
"use_dht": false,
"search_lan": true,
"use_sync_trash": false

btsync --config /btsync/btsync.conf --nodaemon