
Keychain for ssh-agent with byobu and tmux

I used to evaluate ssh-agent output each time when I open new shells with byobu and tmux windows. It’s because ssh-agent envorinment variables are not passed over to new shell. I found that more than 10 ssh-agent processes are running. After Googling I reached a great post titled Understanding ssh-agent and ssh-add.


For using same ssh-agent process with multiple shells or tmux windows, it should be reset SSH_AUTH_SOCKET enviroment inside that shell finding a ssh-agent sokcet which is already run.

I found ssh-find-agent project for the first time. Following the instruction it is recommended to use keychain command because ssh-find-agent has reached its end of life.

It is possible to install with apt-get install.

$ sudo apt-get install keychain

Geneating a SSH key for GitHub

I genarated a new ssh key for GitHub and adding the publice key on my account page.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/github -C 'ma6ato@gmail.com for github'

To evaluate keychain command in .profike, it is enabled to add keys to a agent. When I login or sourcing .profile it is required to enter the passphrase each keys.

$ echo 'eval `keychain --eval --agents ssh github`' >> ~/.profile
$ source ~/.profile

I verified my key by entering ssh command.

$ ssh -T git@github.com

Finally I could do a git clone.

$ cd ~/docker_apps
$ git clone git@github.com:masato/docker-lloyd.git
remote: Total 17 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Checking connectivity... done.